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What are the Things to Do on 51Talk NTT (New Teachers Training) and How to Pass Mock Demo

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51Talk (or pronounced as Five- One Talk) is the leading ESL (English as Second Language) website in the Philippines with Chinese students/ clients. The initial process of the application is over the phone/Skype interview, equipment testing, orientation, 51Talk NTT (New Teacher's Training), an actual demo lesson, and on-board training.

Technical Requirements:
  1. LAN cable wire (ethernet cable)
  2. white wall background
  3. balanced lighting (no shadows)
  4. headset with  microphone and noise cancellation
  5. HD external and built-in camera
  6. 2- 4GB with at least 60 GB free hard disk storage
  7. at least 3 Mbps Internet speed (wireless or data is not allowed)
  8.  clean and clutter-free working space
Reminder, buy a headset with noise cancellation. A noisy background won't qualify you to training.

  1. an initial Interview over the phone or Skype
  2. speed testing
  3. equipment check
  4. orientation
  5. NTT (New Teachers Training)
  6. Mock Demo
  7.  Actual Demo
How to prepare yourself to please the facilitators? 
  1. Be online 30 minutes prior to your schedule. If you are late, expect a warning in front of the applicants. The Pre-Service Orientation Facilitator (PSO) is very strict. 
  2. Read the message from 51 Talk facilitator. It contains information of teaching materials to be used.
  3. Wear a decent attire.
  4. Prepare a stuffed toy for your pictorial. 
  5. Inhale and exhale 10-20 times if you're nervous of 'New Teachers' Training result.'  

The Process of NTT (New Teachers Training)

This training lasts about 6-hours. Before it starts, the trainer introduces himself/herself, followed by the applicants. The trainer teaches the basic tools for teaching, the gestures to memorize, links to review and lesson plan. 

An applicant is asked if materials are complete such as stuffed toys, finger puppets, hat, headbands and signaling cards. The trainer observes the energy. An animated personality is a big bonus. 

The trainer provides 6-rules to teach the children so they can easily understand.

6 Rules to Teach the Children

1. TPR ( Total Physical Response)
In this strategy, act the words. For example, if the keyword is "climb," show yourself on camera that you climb.

2. Lead In
Introduce the target word to a student or client. Use the picture provided  that defines the topic. You are allowed to ask two simple questions about the image that focuses the subject. For example, if the main topic is "the dog under the tunnel" and the target word is the "dog", you can simply ask, " What does the dog do in the tunnel?" "Where is the dog?" 

3. Use a Closed-Ended and Open Ended Question. Before you ask, introduce your dog's name.

The close-ended question is, if the answer is yes or no. Example, " Can you tell where Daphne (dog's name) is?" " Is Daphne a dog?"

The open-ended question cannot be answered by yes or no. Example, " How old is Daphne dog." "What's is Daphne's breed?" 

4. Visualized presentation. Write the word to a card by pen and keyboard marker. Let the student read the main word after you. Introduce your friend (your stuffed toy) to the class  and have her discuss the word.

5. Sounds. When you discuss the main topic (for example dog), make a sound. Example: " Our lesson for today is about "tantaranannnnnn''''''   "DOG!"

Clap your hands on the left and right side according to the vowels of the word. For example, the word is "trans/por/ta/tion." Clap your hands 4x, but before you do it, tell the student to follow you. Do it thrice.

6. Ask the student about the confusing topic he/she can't understand. 

Summarize the lesson and hint goodbye.

What to do Before Joining the 51Talk NTT?

1. Practice teaching until you're ready. Don't forget to apply the 6 rules on every page of the lesson.
2. Your gesture is important. Memorize the provided sign languages and be animated.
4. After an hour of 51Talk NTT or training is the mock demo. In this stage, you are partnered with your co-applicant. The observer watches your performance, gives feedback in front of your co-teachers. 
5. Study the basic grammar rules, pronunciation and the basic recitation skill. Smile at the camera always.
6. Do not use technical words during the transition. 
  • Instead of saying "let's move on to the next page," you should say, "let's swim (with swimming gesture) to the next page!" 
  • Instead of saying, "you should read this word after me," you should say, " read the word after me.
  • Instead of saying, " common let's dance?," you should say, "let's dance!"

The actual demo is the process where you are observed to teach a Chinese student. He/she is the judge of your performance. You are given a feedback if you fail or pass. If you pass, you'll be asked to submit their required documents like Transcript Of Records, diploma and bank account. 


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